thoughts on the young pope

I am currently on the fourth episode of Paolo Sorrentino’s lurid, sensational thought experiment of a TV show: what if the Pope was young *and* American? This very premise alone already launched a thousand memes. Sorrentino captures the very essence of baroque — the show is exuberant, over-the-top, and always on the cusp of being gaudy butContinue reading “thoughts on the young pope”

short notes on arrival

1.) Favorite movie of 2016. 2.) This movie is made for social scientists. Of course linguists get their time in the sun. But there’s a lot of economics (game theory), political science, behavioral psychology, etc. too. 3.) Movie references: this is what Interstellar wanted to be. 2001: A Space Odyssey gets invoked a lot, especiallyContinue reading “short notes on arrival”

observations on moonlight

1.) Moonlight is based on a play entitled In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue by Tarell Alvin McCraney. Barry Jenkins refracts the color blue through a prism, creating a kaleidoscope of oceans, skies, ice-filled basins and moonlit bodies. 2.) The ocean, in particular that of Miami, serve as a constant presence in the life of Little/Chiron/Black.Continue reading “observations on moonlight”

what i’ve been reading

On the Euro 1.) The Euro and the Battle of Ideas  by Markus Brunnermeier, Harold James, Jean-Pierre Landau — my Goodreads review here 2.) The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe by Joseph E. Stiglitz  — my Goodreads review here I’ve been reading a lot on the Euro lately because I wanted to getContinue reading “what i’ve been reading”

initial notes on dawn by octavia e. butler

Recently, a group of friends and I have revived a dormant sci-fi book club. I decided to post my reading notes here for the sake of our discussion and for other people who wish to read along. The first book we chose was Dawn by Octavia E. Butler, the first book in her Lilith’s Brood trilogy.Continue reading “initial notes on dawn by octavia e. butler”